The Hazrat Sultan Bahu Trust

The Bahu Trust is a UK-based charitable organisation dedicated to fostering spiritual, educational, and social well-being within communities. Established to serve as a hub of inspiration and guidance, the Trust operates several mosques and community centres, creating inclusive spaces where people of all ages and backgrounds can connect and grow. With a foundation rooted in Islamic principles, the Bahu Trust emphasizes unity, compassion, and active service to humanity.

Central to its mission is a strong commitment to community outreach. The Trust runs numerous programmes addressing pressing social challenges, including poverty alleviation, youth empowerment, mental health awareness and climate action. It organises food banks, clothing drives, and financial support initiatives to aid vulnerable individuals and families. Additionally, the Bahu Trust champions education by offering workshops, tutoring, and skills training for personal and professional development.

A particularly notable aspect of our work is promoting interfaith dialogue and community cohesion, fostering understanding between diverse groups. Through these efforts, the Bahu Trust not only addresses immediate needs but also builds long-term resilience and solidarity. With its holistic approach to service, the Bahu Trust continues to enrich lives and strengthen communities.

March 14, 2025

1:30 pm

6 Hours 54 Minutes
Prayer Begins Jamaat
Fajr5:07 am 5:30 am
Sunrise6:24 am
Jumuah12:22 pm 1:30 pm
Asr4:13 pm 5:00 pm
Maghrib6:14 pm 6:14 pm
Isha7:58 pm 8:15 pm

Masjid Services

We are dedicated to serving communities by offering spiritual solace through the teachings and practices of classical Sufi Islam.
Learn about our services, projects, courses and events.

About Us

Founded in 1983 under the guidance and inspiration of Sheikh Sultan Fiaz ul Hassan and Sheikh Sultan Niaz ul Hassan Sarwari Qadri, The Bahu Trust is an organisation and movement committed to empowering and strengthening marginalised communities, serving some of the most vulnerable sections of society within Birmingham and beyond.

Religious Services

We are proud to operate many key religious services within our centre including marriage ceremonies and funeral services. Birmingham Qur’an Academy was established by the Bahu Trust in 2011 which is a centre of excellence in instructing the memorisation of the Qur’an. This academy offers the highest standard of Qur’anic teaching to students in the UK. 

Community Services

The Bahu Trust is committed to addressing the holistic needs of the community through devising a number of community development programmes catering to all, with a specific focus on women and youth. We run daily surgeries to provide advice, guidance and support relating to many aspects of life including a police support surgery, responding to community safety concerns, occupational therapy, warm places of welcome, and our dedicated food bank. 

Community Safety

Community safety forms a central part of our work as we are committed to reducing violent crime and offending through establishing youth leadership programmes, providing young people with positive activities and interventions to deter them from a life of crime, We promote education and advocacy among our community on issues such as serious and organised crime, knife crime, substance abuse, and domestic abuse as we seek to keep our communities safe, healthy and stable. 

Climate Action

We are motivated by a spiritual and moral onus to protect the planet, and our local environment. We are committed to education and advocacy efforts to amplify the importance of nature and environmental issues, as we face a number of threats related to climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. 


There are a number of ways you can support us so that we can continue our vital work in serving the community and empowering the most marginalised populations within Birmingham. We are grateful for the continued support and generosity of our local community without whom our efforts would be redundant. .

Community Surgery: Weekly Timetable
